Join our 2024 weekly challenges
By Excio Photo Community profile image Excio Photo Community
2 min read

Join our 2024 weekly challenges

We're kicking off a weekly challenge in our Excio Hub for anyone interested. Being part of a group means we're all in this together, making progress and sharing our work.

At the start of each new year, many of us feel a buzz to make changes, often thinking about New Year's resolutions or feeling that 'new year, new me' vibe. It's a well-known fact that starting fresh can really boost our drive, belief in ourselves, and hope for smashing our goals. Seeing the start of a new year as a clean slate encourages us to dream big, aim for more, and change our habits for the better.

Yet, fast forward a bit, and most of us find those resolutions don't quite fit. They're either broken, forgotten, or constantly postponed to 'next Monday.' Life's busyness, losing steam, distractions, and other commitments often get in the way. For us, photographers, improving our skills and pushing our creativity further is a common goal. We set targets like snapping a photo a day or a week, joining workshops, exploring new styles, and more. But when we slip up or feel stuck, it's easy to start doubting, thinking maybe photography isn't that key, questioning our own worth, or wondering who we're trying to impress.

As a community, we've been thinking about why this happens and what can be done to help photographers like us get past these hurdles. Here's why going it alone with resolutions might not work:

  1. The 'new year, new me' mindset often means you're only answering to yourself, making it too easy to let promises slide.
  2. Without a strong reason to keep at it, it's hard to stay motivated.
  3. That nagging feeling of being a fraud, or Imposter Syndrome, doesn't help either.

Here's how joining a group of photographers who think like you can make a difference:

  1. Together is better: We say, 'new year, new us!' You're not alone in wanting to practice more and boost your photography. We're kicking off a weekly challenge in our Excio Hub for anyone interested. It's okay to miss a week if you're swamped. Being part of a group means we're all in this together, making progress and sharing our work. The challenge runs from 14 February till 31 August. Check out the '2024 Weekly challenge' channel on Excio Hub for more info.

This challenge is different from those you find in Facebook groups or local clubs. Every Wednesday, we'll reveal a fresh topic for the week, providing you with tips and examples to capture engaging photos. Plus, we'll spice things up with bonus challenges for an even more exciting experience.

  1. A bigger goal: Each month, we'll pick two top photos to feature in the inaugural calendar project for local NZ charities and community groups. The more people engage with photography and have access to explore the world through your lens, the more positive impact we can make. This gives your photography a bigger purpose, so now you really have no excuses not to join the challenge.
  2. Dealing with doubts: If you're struggling with feeling like an imposter, check out our 'Beyond Imposter Syndrome' course. It's a safe space for sharing your work and building confidence, open only to those taking part in our activities. We only started last week, so it's late to join!

Photography has a unique power to change lives. No matter the new tech, AI, or robots taking photos, nothing beats the authentic touch of human-captured images. It's our duty to keep snapping, sharing, and helping make the world a bit brighter.

By Excio Photo Community profile image Excio Photo Community
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