Be like Edith Macefield
By Excio Photo Community profile image Excio Photo Community
4 min read

Be like Edith Macefield

There is much talk these days about A.I. and the threat it poses to photographers. How can photographers survive against technology in the future?

Changes happen when we least expect them, catching us by surprise and altering the course of our lives or circumstances in ways we couldn't have anticipated.

Here is a story of resilience and determination that took place in Seattle. When Edith Macefield’s beloved town was going through significant changes and plans for constructing a massive mall were well underway, Edith found herself at the center of it all.

‍At the heart of the transformation, Edith's small, 100-year-old house stood in the way of the mall's development. A company eager to demolish it approached her with a tempting offer of one million dollars. They believed that the hefty sum would be enough to convince her to relinquish her property and make way for the grand project.

What happened? See below:

Edith Mansfield's house. Photo by Ben Tesch.

The construction had to progress around her, and Edith's home became a symbol of resistance, standing firm amidst the surrounding changes.

Despite immense pressure from the construction company and the peer pressure from her neighbors who had already moved out, she stood strong. She chose to hold onto the memories and history that her house held.

You say, what does this story have to do with photography?

Just a few months ago, no one was expecting to lose jobs because of A.I., no one anticipated such a massive disruption it caused in the creative sector. There is much talk these days about A.I. and the threat it poses to photographers. How can photographers survive against technology in the future?

By Excio Photo Community profile image Excio Photo Community
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