The magic of looking up
By Excio Photo Community profile image Excio Photo Community
3 min read

The magic of looking up

Looking up offers a fresh perspective - a treasure trove of visual delights. This challenge encouraged photographers to break from the usual eye-level shots and discover new dimensions of their surroundings.

Photography often encourages us to explore the world from different perspectives, and sometimes the most inspiring view is right above us. Our "Looking up" photo challenge invited photographers to tilt their lenses skyward and capture the beauty and intrigue of the world above. In this article we celebrate the most captivating entries from our community members, highlighting their creativity and unique viewpoints.

Why look up?

Looking up offers a fresh perspective - a treasure trove of visual delights. This challenge encouraged photographers to break from the usual eye-level shots and discover new dimensions of their surroundings.

Highlights from the challenge

The submissions showcased a remarkable range of subjects and styles.

Each photograph tells a story of its own, whether it’s a snapshot of a fleeting moment or a carefully composed scene. The best entries not only looked up but also elevated our spirits and challenged our perceptions.

Choosing the featured entries was a tough task, given the high calibre of the entries. However, a few stood out for their originality, technical skill, and emotional impact. These images not only adhered to the theme but also pushed the boundaries of typical photographic compositions, reminding us all to explore the less-trodden paths and to always keep looking up.

This challenge has been a wonderful demonstration of the creativity and talent within our community. It has encouraged us to consider new perspectives and appreciate the often-overlooked beauty above us. We are proud to showcase the best entries and congratulate all those who participated and shared their visions with us.

Join our Community Hub for more opportunities to showcase your work, and don't forget to keep looking up—you never know what you might capture.

By Ann Kilpatrick. The new BNZ building is looking good. Reflecting the clouds in the morning.

By Dan Winner. From my caving trip: not me, but my friend Mark looking up at some stalactites.

By Penny Milner. The clear blue sky made such a clean back drop. Both taken with my iPhone as that's the camera I had on me at the time!

By Cynthia Stoks.  I was reading in my favourite chair when a warm glow lit up the room. I looked up to see this sunset. I felt the warmth and I saw the brightness, in that moment I engaged with nature.

By Lorraine Neill. Balloons over Waikato.

By Dafydd Davies. Looking skywards into the atrium at work this morning.

By Kelvin Wright. Looking up. The NorWester has blown itself out. The Southerly is approaching.
By Excio Photo Community profile image Excio Photo Community
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