When it comes to photography, there are many different ways to create an effect. You can use light, shadows, and of course, colour. In this blog post, we will focus on the use of neutral colours.
What are neutral colours? They are basically colours that don't have a lot of warmth or intensity. They are typically used to create a calming or balancing effect in a photograph. In this blog we discuss how to use these colours effectively to achieve the desired result!

One of the most important things to consider when using any type of colour in photography is temperature. This is especially true for neutral colours. The temperature will affect how warm or cool the overall tone of your photograph will be. For example, if you want to create a warm feeling in your image, you would want to use warmer hues like sepia and cream . On the other hand, if you want to create a cooler feeling, you would use cool hues like slate and stone.

Another thing to keep in mind when using neutral colours is that they can sometimes make an object appear larger or smaller than it actually is. This is because these colours don't have a lot of contrast. For instance, if you were taking a picture of a small object and you wanted it to appear larger, you would use a neutral colour like white. This would make the object appear bigger because there is less contrast.
Finally, neutrals can also be used to create depth in an image. This is because they don't have a lot of colour, so they tend to recede into the background. If you want to make an object appear closer, you would use a darker neutral like black. This will make the object appear closer because there is more contrast.

Neutral colours are a great way to add warmth or coolness to your images. They can also be used to create depth or make an object appear larger or smaller than it actually is. Keep these things in mind when you are using neutrals in your photography and you will be able to create some stunning effects!